"No man can be a genius in slapshoes and a flat hat." -Buster Keaton -

Convict 13 (1920)

A young golfer is assaulted by an escaped convict and ends up in prison, where he thwarts a jailbreak. “Convict 13” is a 1920 silent comedy film starring Buster Keaton. The film, consisting of two reels, was written and directed by Keaton and Edward F. Cline.

According to the documentary, Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow, in the film, Buster Keaton performs one of his most perilous sight gags from his vaudeville days. As Marie Dressler describes it: “Buster would stand on a table behind his father, spinning a basketball tied to the end of a rope. His father, meanwhile, was attempting to shave with a straight razor. The ball would get closer and closer until suddenly, BANG!”

Additionally, according to IMDb, this film marked the debut of Buster Keaton’s sister, Louise Keaton.Additionally, the film director, Edward “Eddie” Cline, did a cameo as the warden hangman.

Watch the full film by hitting the play button below:

Convict 13 (1920) Cast

  • Buster Keaton: Golfer Turned Prisoner, Guard
  • Sybil Seely: Socialite, Warden’s Daughter
  • Joe Roberts: The Crazed Prisoner
  • Edward F. Cline: Hangman
  • Joe Keaton: Prisoner
  • Louise Keaton

Convict 13 (1920) Storyline

Buster begins his morning by playing golf with friends, but after a rough start, he drives his ball into a river. He retrieves it when it’s swallowed by a fish. Meanwhile, an escaped convict from a nearby prison arrives at the golf course, pursued by prison guards. Buster’s ball is then stolen by a dog, and while retrieving it, he accidentally knocks himself out when the ball ricochets off a shed.

While unconscious, the convict switches clothes with him. The guards chase Buster, and he tries to escape by jumping into a passing car, only to find it belongs to the prison warden, who takes him to jail.

Noticing the prisoner number on his clothes, Buster realises he is now Convict 13, scheduled to be hanged that morning. Fortunately, Buster’s girlfriend replaces the hangman’s noose with a long elastic rope, causing Buster to bounce several times when the trapdoor opens, thus saving his life. Sent to smash rocks with a sledgehammer, Buster accidentally knocks out a prison guard and steals his uniform to escape. At the same time, a rowdy prisoner revolts in the yard, knocking out guards one by one. While escaping, Buster crosses paths with the prisoner, who mistakes him for another guard. Buster locks the gate to another yard, but the prisoner bends the bars and chases him to the gallows, where Buster restrains him using the elastic noose.

Buster is “promoted” to Assistant Warden for his bravery, but the enraged prisoner starts a riot, knocks Buster unconscious, kidnaps his girlfriend, and takes her to the yard where the prisoners have overpowered the guards. Buster regains consciousness and, using a punching bag attached to the elastic rope, manages to knock out all the rioting prisoners by swinging it around his head. While celebrating, Buster accidentally knocks himself out with a sledgehammer. The scene then shifts to Buster lying outside the shed on the golf course, being woken by his girlfriend, revealing that the prison events were just a dream.

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